Garden Book Lists
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The GARDENS Web Section
Welcome to the Gardens section of the website. See the before and after photos of my gardens. Read the lists, see examples of plants, and use my tips to get a head start on your own garden. See Garden Art you can buy also!
The books I recommend for you to learn more about these specific garden topics...
Tips and advice for ornamental grasses, Xeriscaping, mulch, etc. organic solutions and companion planting. (Resources listed in this PDF are local to Colorado Springs)
A list of trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, vines, bulbs and groundcovers by latin name and common name. No guarantees (the deer don't read the lists), but it's a place to start.
By topic...
Totems, Step stones, fun and funky pieces.
Pictures and plant lists for the front Xeriscape Low-Water Garden. Established September 2002. Tips too!
Pictures and plant lists for the North Side Ornamental Grass Garden "The Courtyard". Established May 2001. Tips too!
Pictures and plant lists for the South Side Legacy Shade Garden "The Courtyard". Initial planting Spring 2003, actively developed Spring 2000 to present. Tips too!
Pictures and plant lists for the Sun Gardens in the back yard. Initial planting Spring 2003, actively developed Spring 2000 to present. Tips too!
© Copyright 2004 v.6.9.07
Kass Johns
designer & writer Garden Art & Design
Colorado Springs, CO 719/635-1306 (vc)
www.kassj.com/gardens gardens at kassj dot com