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Written by Kathy Letizia :: The Write Way, LLC :: (732) 615-2209
KLetizia@aol.comPublished here with permission from author and Programmer's Paradise.
- anonymous
Guess you can call this a type of back-door access into Internet files and services. By using the name "anonymous" you can get into systems that allow the general public to access their resources.
- Archie
Not Jughead's buddy, this Archie is a system for locating files that are publicly available by anonymous FTP. (We'll get to that later!)
Also known as a "bulletin board system," the BBS let's you chat and interact with other BBS-ers about subjects that may - or may not - be of interest to you.
- bps (bits per second)
The speed at which bits of data are transmitted over a communications medium, like a modem.
- browser
Software that let's you check out what's happening on the World Wide Web - or WWW. (More about the World Wide Web later!)
- client
Unfortunately, we're not talking about the kind of client that pays you for your services. (But then, again, this client doesn't make any crazy demands, either!) On the Internet, a client is simply a program that requests information from a server program.
- client/server
The interactions between clients and servers is known as "client/server computing." Clients request services and servers provide the services. (Sounds like a beautiful relationship, doesn't it!)
- cyberspace
The electronic universe, accessible via the Internet. ("Cyberspace. The final frontier. These are the voyages of..." - you Trekkies know the rest!)
- dial-up
A connection to a computer made by calling up the computer on the telephone, like an old friend. Usually dial-up refers to the kind of connection made using a terminal emulator and a regular modem.
- DNS - Domain Name System
This system makes it easy for us to use the Internet without remembering long lists of numbers. DNS is a distributed database system for translating computer names into numeric Internet addresses and vice-versa.
- electronic mail
Known simply as e-mail, it's become one of the most popular uses of the Internet. (Yet another way for people from all around the world to reach out and touch each other. Yippee.)
- Ethernet
A type of local area network. An Ethernet is an Ethernet because of the way the computers on the network decide whose turn it is to talk.
Perfect for those first-timers who love to ask questions, an FAQ is a frequently asked question or a listing of frequently asked questions and their answers usually maintained by newsgroups on the Internet (so that they can maintain their own sanity).
- flame
A tasteless statement, criticism or personal attack against the author of a USENET posting. Try to avoid being flamed.
FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol," an Internet service used to transfer text and binary files between computers. Using FTP, you can download files from a remote computer to your computer, or upload files from your computer to other computers.
- gateway
A computer system that transfers data between normally incompatible applications or networks, or a system that provides connectivity to other systems or networks.
- Gopher
Not the kind that rips up golf courses, this Gopher is a menu-based tool that makes it easy to find files on the Internet.
- home page
Seems like everyone's got one of these documents on the World Wide Web nowadays - big companies, small businesses and just ordinary people, too! And, just like people, some look a lot better than others!
- html
Also known as hypertext markup language, html is one of the languages used to create World Wide Web documents.
- hypermedia
A combination of hypertext (we'll get to that next) and multimedia (we'll get to this a little later), hypermedia is information that contains links to other related information. The World Wide Web is hypermedia-based.
- hypertext
Text that is linked to other related text. Hypertext words are highlighted, and you can click on hypertext to get to more related information. (It's kind of like getting together with your cousins at family gatherings.)
- http
Also known as hypertext transmission protocol, http is the protocol used to transfer World Wide Web documents through the Internet.
- Internet
It's the largest collection of interconnected networks in the world. Everybody's here... governments, universities, corporations, small businesses, you and me. It's the place to be!
- IP
A.K.A. Internet Protocol, this is the networking protocol used to route information through the Internet via numeric IP addresses. It's probably the most important of the protocols on which the Internet is based.
- Java
The new kid on the block (who's proving to be very popular) when it comes to languages used to create documents on the World Wide Web.
- listserv
A program on a mail server that managers an e-mail mailing list, allowing you to subscribe and unsubscribe.
- modem
The little guy that makes it all happen, a modem is a communications device that converts data between the digital format used by computers and the analog format that's used for telephone line transmissions. Some interesting info for cocktail party chat: The word "modem" is derived from the term modulation/demodulations, which is the process I just described.
- Multimedia
Documents that include a mix of different kinds of data, like plain text and audio or text in several different languages.
- Netiquette
Behaving yourself on the Internet, or in other words it's network etiquette. It's your conduct, decorum and attitude while working on the Internet. Seems like more and more netiquette develop every day as the need for it grows and grows.
- Newsgroup
A discussion group or bulletin board on the Internet, usually devoted to a specific topic.
- packet
A bundle of data. On the Internet, data is broken up into small chunks or packets. All the information on the Internet travels in packets.
Point-to-point protocol used to transmit information over serial point-to-point data links, like dial-up telephone lines. It's increasing in popularity and becoming the new standard, replacing SLIP.
- protocol
How the computers act when talking to each other. Standard protocols allow computers from different manufacturers to communicate; the computers use can use completely different software but the programs running on both ends need to agree on what the data means.
- server
A program that provides services to clients. Keep in mind that different types of servers provide different types of services.
- signature
Lines of text that are automatically added to the end of your e-mail messages. You can be creative with a signature, using witty sayings or whatever, or you can just keep it simple, maybe using your real name and address.
Also known as Serial Line IP, SLIP is a protocol that allows computers to use the Internet protocols with a standard telephone line and a high-speed modem. PPP is taking over, but SLIP is still pretty popular.
- smiley
Smiling faces and other "emoticons" used in mail and news to indicate humor and irony and other emotions. The most common smiley is a smile :-). But, there are frowns :-( . And winks ;-) and many more types of smileys... I'm sure you get the picture.
A connection-oriented reliable protocol - one of the protocols on which the Internet is based.
Also known as "Uniform Resource Locator," a URL is a string of characters that represents the location or address of a resource on the Internet and how that resource can be accessed.
A popular operating system that was very important in the development of the Internet, but you don't have to use UNIX to use the Internet - despite what some people might tell you.
A network of thousands and thousands of newsgroups on the Internet.
- Veronica
Archie's girlfriend? No! This Veronica is a helpful tool you can use to search Gopher menu items, using keywords that you specify.
- World Wide Web
"The Web" or "WWW," the World Wide Web is a hypermedia-based system that makes it easier to browse for information on the Internet - and makes it a lot more fun!
More Email Netiquette and Novice Information:
[ Email Netiquette ]
[ Don't use AOL's "Forward" Command ]
[ Emoticons (Smilies) & Shorthand (Abbreviations) ]
[ Programmer's Paradise Glossary ]
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