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Publishing Trade Organizations
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With each month, comes news of yet another trade association closing up shop. This author offers no guarantee on the information provided below.
Advertising Federation and Art Directors Clubs are in many large metro areas (I don't have contact info on them). Contact a local well-known advertising agency to find out what is available in your area.
- Graphic Artist Guild
- 90 John Street, Suite 403
New York, NY 10038
212-791-0333 fax
On the web at: http://www.gag.org/
- Ass'n Typographique Internationale
- Box 20078
New York, NY 10017
212-949-8485 fax
On the web at: http://www.atypi.org/
or http://www.textmatters.com/atypi/
- Type Directors Club
- 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10165
212-983-6043 fax
Contact: email typeclub@aol.com
On the web at: http://users.aol.com/typeclub
- Society of Publication Designers
- 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10165
212-983-6043 fax
Contact: email spdnyc@aol.com
- American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
- 164 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
212-807-1799 fax
On the web at: http://www.aiga.org/
- PIA (Printing Industries Association)
- 100 Daingerfield Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-2888
703-548-3227 fax
Contact: Scott Tilden, Electronic Publishing Director, on CompuServe at 71163,722
On the web at: http://www.printing.org/
- NAPL (National Association of Printers & Lithographers)
- 780 Palisade Avenue
Teaneck, NJ 07666
201-692-0286 fax
On the web at: http://www.napl.org/
(Warning: Web site may be only open to members or at a charge)
- NAQP (National Association of Quick Printers)
- P.O. Box 809198
Chicago, IL 60680-9198
- IDIA (International Digital Imaging Association)
P.O. Box 81261
Chamblee, GA 30366-1261
(770) 452-8119
Fax: (770) 234-9058
Executive Director: Charles Rudd
E-mail to: info@idia.org
On the web at: http://www.idia.org
- IPA (International Prepress Association)
- 7200 France Ave South, Suite 327
Edina, MN
612-896-0181 fax
E-mail to: Steve@ipa.org
Steve Bonoff, Director of Marketing and editor of Tech Focus
- GATF (Graphic Arts Technical Foundation)
- 4615 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3796
412-621-3049 fax
E-mail to: info@gatf.lm.com
On the web at: http://www.gatf.lm.com
- NADTP (National Association of Desktop Publishing)
- 462 Old Boston Street
Topsfield, MA 01983-1232
508-887-6117 fax
The e-mail addresses listed in their journal: nadtp1@shore.net
Also, nadtp@aol.com and 74064.2334@compuserve.com
- Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN)
- A nonprofit trade association that is dedicated to advance the image and profits of independent presses and self-publishers through educational and marketing opportunities.
On the web at: http://www.SPANnet.org
- ADEPT/NCGA (Association for the Development of Electronic Publishing Technique/National Computer Graphics Association)
- now defunct
- Boston Computer Society - DTP SIG (Special Interest Group)
- 101 First Avenue
Waltham, MA 02154
617-290-5744 fax
Contact: David Field on CompuServe at 71572,3163
- User Group Connection
- 2840 Research Park Drive, Suite 100
Soquel, CA 95073
408-477-4290 (fax)
E-mail to: ugc@ugconnection.com
On the web at: http://www.ugconnection.com/
Your local User Group may have a desktop publishing SIG (Special Interest Group). To locate a local Mac or PC User Group, point your browser to this web page.
(To the reader of this list...)
What city are you in? Or are you within easy commuting distance of a large metro area? Maybe your city has their own groups, call the Chamber of Commerce or local newspaper for computer groups, trade organizations and clubs. Look in the local 'zines' like a Business Journal, ComputorEdge, or ComputerUser for publishing group listings.For example, in Denver, there are two additional publishing groups. We drive a minimum of 65 miles one way to 4 different groups throughout the month! Kass is a founder and (twice) past chairman of Denver's Design to Print (design, prepress & print publishing) group. For more info about Design to Print (Denver or Colorado Springs) send an email to piams@piams.org.
Updates to this list...
If you have updated or additional information to add to this list, please e-mail it to us . We would like to have an e-mail contact (and web link) for each organization where possible. Thanks.
This compilation is...
© Copyright 1996-2001 by Kass Johns, all rights reserved world wide.
The opinions and recommendations stated here are solely those of the author and are not the responsibility of anyone else. This is an independent publication not affiliated or otherwise associated with, sponsored by, or sanctioned by any vendor. We state here that we have used trademark names in this publication for editorial purposes only, with no intent to infringe on those trademarks. Permission is granted to copy this document for personal use only for *non-commercial* purposes, in electronic or printed form, provided that this copyright notice is not removed. This work may not be used on another Web site or online service, sold for profit, included within commercial works, or altered or changed in any way without the express written permission of the author.
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