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Save As or export as "source" format. Then "open file" within your browser software offline. To PRINT this page from your browser:
We recommend an 80% reduction to easily fit standard 8.5 x 11" page width.
Kass' HTML101 for Macintosh
I have a self-guided shareware tutorial (written for Macintosh users) on basic HTML tag coding. It consists of a mini-web site (usable from your hard drive) with examples of most basic tags. It is available via anonymous ftp from my ftp site: ftp://ftp.csn.net/vader/HTML101K.sea.hqx (68k). It is Macintosh in the fact that the archive is a self-extracting StuffIt file, file names within the archive are Macintosh conventional, and some of the copy is Macintosh-specific. PC-users: You are on your own if you wish to try it.
Recommended Books...
HOT TIP: Books about the Internet & Web
Because this technology changes sooooo fast, be sure to check the copyright/publish date on Internet & Web books to get the most relevant information! There is now a sudden plethora of web design books on the market. If you buy one, make sure you get one that is for your computer platform of choice.I would not invest in a more than a couple books as the most current, up-to-date information will always be on the web itself. Get one or two to get you started if that's the way you prefer to learn, then go from there. I would say one design book and one HTML style guide reference with the listings of all the tags. Computer books are too expen$ive to waste your money unless you are absolutely sure you need it!
These are the books that I use and recommend...
There are now hundreds of HTML and web design books. These are just the ones I actually use and/or recommend.
- HTML Reference
By James C Armstrong from SSC Products
copyright 1995, SSC, Inc.
PO Box 55549-W, Seattle, WA 98155-0549
Phone: 206-782-7733, Fax: 206-782-7191
E-mail: sales@ssc.com (I bought my copy for $4.50 US at SoftPro Books--see below.) http://www.ssc.com/This is not exactly a book, but it fits best in this category. It is a 16-panel fold out pocket reference guide of all the HTML tags. I love it and use it more often than anything else! Do yourself a favor and buy this simple, yet complete guide. It gets revised every time a new version of HTML is blessed. I now have the last three versions. The newest version contains two cards--one basic, one advanced tags. My single most favorite tool!
- Designing Web Graphics
By Lynda Weinman
List: $50.00
Published by New Riders Pub
Published 1996
ISBN 1-56205-532-1An excellent resource for two reasons--the browser feature comparison chart, and the hex color look up tables (CLUT). These two reasons alone are worth the cost. It comes with a CD of files, samples, shareware and the hex color chart in digital form. A good resource for image creation tips. Lynda has her own site with some of her book resources (including the hex CLUT) available for the download: http://www.lynda.com/
The next item is the new, second edition of this popular book.
- Designing Web Graphics 2
by Lynda Weinman
2nd Edition Paperback
List: $55.00
Published by New Riders Pub
Publication date: February 1997
ISBN: 1562057154
Order it at a 40% discount at Amazon.Com!
- Coloring Web Graphics
by Lynda Weinman, Bruce Heavin (Bk and CD-ROM Edition)
Paperback, 295 pages
List: $50.00
Published by New Riders Pub
Publication date: November 1,1996
ISBN: 1562056697
Order it at a 40% discount at Amazon.Com!And now, she has a book about Web Color! A great compliment to her other books. It includes electronic color palettes on CD for Photoshop. A browser-safe color chart is printed in the book and grouped in complementary sections for easy reference while designing.
- Deconstructing Web Graphics
by Lynda Weinman
Paperback, 235 pages
List: $44.99
Published by New Riders Pub
Publication date: October 1,1996
ISBN: 1562056417
Order it at a 40% discount at Amazon.Com!And yet another Weinman book! Here is the official synopsis: Deconstructing Web Graphics is a behind-the-scenes look at how some of the best Web sites today are created. The author works through a deconstruction of the Web sites with the designers who put them together.
- Creating Killer Web Sites : The Art of Third-Generation Site Design
by David Siegel from Hayden Books
(Dave is a famous type designer, responsible for Tekton and Eaglefeather, among others.)
Paperback, 270 pages
List: $45.00
Published by Hayden Books
Publication date: July 1,1996
ISBN: 1568302894
Order it at a 40% discount at Amazon.Com!Official Synopsis:
This high-quality, full-color guide places an emphasis on good typography, clean graphics, site architecture, and information design.Kass comments about the four books listed above...
Warning: Dave and Lynda, each, write with an attitude. If you can read beyond that, the information they offer is good.
- HTML For The World Wide Web: A Visual Quickstart Guide
By Elizabeth Castro from Peachpit Press Books
Peachpit Press Web Page (http://www.peachpit.com/)
List: $17.95 Published 1998
ISBN 0-201-69696-7
If you need a quick self-guided tutorial style book for learning, the Peachpit Visual Quickstart books are always good. I am sure it has revised since this original issue. Ask Peachpit!
- Getting Hits: The Definitive Guide to Promoting Your Web Site
By Don Sellers from Peachpit Press Books
Peachpit Press Web Page (http://www.peachpit.com/)
List: $19.95 Published 1997
ISBN 0-201-68815-8
Great reference source for promoting your new (or revised) site.
- The Web Design WOW! Book
By Jack Davis & Susan Merritt from Peachpit Press Books
Peachpit Press Web Page (http://www.peachpit.com/)
List: $39.95 Published 1998
ISBN 0-201-88678-2
From the popular WOW! series author, Jack Davis, a nice "how'd they do that" visual guide of eyepopping beautifully designed web sites. Use this book to generate ideas for perking up your own site. See how the award winning designers do it. Comes with CD-ROM full of evaluation versions of popular editors, as well as shareware utilities to build animated GIFs and so on. Mac & PC.
- Elements of Web Design: The Designer's Guide to a New Medium
By Darci DiNucci with Maria Giudice & Lynn Stiles from Peachpit Press Books
Peachpit Press Web Page (http://www.peachpit.com/)
List: $39.95 Published 1998
ISBN 0-201-69698-3
This book is targeted to print design professionals who need to move over to the new medium (online) and understand basics about web design. good case studies and tips.
Great Technical Computer Books Source:
SoftPro Books
112 Mall Road
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803-5300
617-273-2919 vc
617-273-2499 fax
books@softproeast.comSoftPro Books (west)
Southgate Shopping Center
6862 South Yosemite Street
Englewood, CO 80112-1407
303-740-7751 vc
303-740-8152 fax
http://Gopher: gopher.softproeast.com
Or, you can go directly to Softpro's web site at http://www.softproeast.com/softproThe Englewood/Denver store is right off the Interstate on my way anywhere in Denver. I really wish these guys would move and not tell me where they went! (My bank account would thank them.) What candy is to kids, this store is to technical book addicts!
If you live in Colorado, to get to SoftPro Books take the Arapahoe Road exit at I-25, west to Yosemite (first light). Behind the Chevy's Mexican Restaurant, there is a strip mall on Yosemite--SoftPro is in there.
Usenet Newsgroups
Great info for anyone authoring web pages. HTML, buttons, forms, etc. issues. Get info and help!TIP: If you have never been in a newsgroup before, I advise that you first "lurk" and read posts to get the culture of the group before you post a reply or ask a question. Many groups have specific forms of netiquette. Always, always, read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of the particular group before you ask a question. Chances are pretty good that your question has been answered a hundred times before by the FAQ.
To get the most out of a group, read (or save off to your hard disk) only the posts that are of immediate interest to you. There are usually hundreds of messages a week (at least) and may seem overwhelming at first. Look at only what is applicable to you in the immediate future. Go by the subject name or title of the post. Don't worry that you are not seeing several hundred other posts. There will always be more to read later on as you develop in your knowledge and need more advanced information.
The following Internet Usenet newsgroups are great for tips and answers on Web page design and authoring:
- comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
My most favorite newsgroup of all! Where I learned much of my HTML! Excellent info! If you are new to HTML and web authoring, this one and the next three listed here are likely where you will want to focus your time initially.
- comp.infosystems.www.authoring.images
- comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc
- comp.infosystems.www.misc
- comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi
- alt.hypertext
- comp.infosystems.www
- comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
- comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows
- comp.infosystems.www.browsers.x
- comp.infosystems.www.browsers.mac
- comp.infosystems.www.servers.mac
- comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc
- comp.infosystems.www.servers.ms-windows
- comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
More www-related Usenet groups...
Some Web sites with info for Page Creators...
There are now thousands of sites with web design information. These are a few I recommend and/or use.
JUMPLISTS to multiple sites on same topic:
- The WWW Authoring Jumplist. A way kool jumplist that could keep any HTML/web designer busy for months!
- A wealth of hot links to various Web design and development sites:
- Imagemap Resources (Yahoo)
- Need clip art for your pages? Surf through all the sites listed here! (Yahoo)
Individual sites with valuable information:
- The Bare Bones Guide to HTML: A great "cheat-sheet" listing of the HTML tags!
- Lynda Weinman has many tips for designers. She is a designer herself and has written many articles (some listed above), as well as her popular web design books (also listed above)! She also offers her Color Lookup Table (CLUT) for cross-platform and cross-browser applications.
- HTML Writer's Guild
- Qualitty Design: Good tips on designing specific image elements from scratch.
- The David Siegel "Killer Web Sites" Site
Companion site to his book (listed above).
- Flavell's HTML Characters ISO8859. How do you get the special typesetting charaters we use in print?
- The Ten Commandments of HTML FAQ
- Bare Bones Software -- Makers of BBEdit.
Image Use information:
- Imagemap Assistance
- WWW:Programming:Imagemaps (Yahoo)
- Graphics File Formats Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- NCSA Tutorial: Imagemap
Often-Used Web Development Resources:
- The URL-minder: Your Own Personal Web Robot! Notify past visitors when your pages have updated.
- New Domain Name Registration: FAQ. How do you register a web domain?
- Thomas Boutell's Home Page. Everything you ever wanted to know about the web. He wrote the World Wide Web FAQ.
This compilation is...
© Copyright 1996-2001 by Kass Johns, all rights reserved world wide.
The opinions and recommendations stated here are solely those of the author and are not the responsibility of anyone else. This is an independent publication not affiliated or otherwise associated with, sponsored by, or sanctioned by any vendor. We state here that we have used trademark names in this publication for editorial purposes only, with no intent to infringe on those trademarks. Permission is granted to copy this document for personal use only for *non-commercial* purposes, in electronic or printed form, provided that this copyright notice is not removed. This work may not be used on another Web site or online service, sold for profit, included within commercial works, or altered or changed in any way without the express written permission of the author.
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