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Tech Writing Sample:
Kiosk Technician's Installation Manual
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This excerpt (before formal editing) is from an original piece written
by Kass Johns for U S WEST (copyright).
Because of the security required for this project, I can only provide a small PDF sample of some of the more generic instruction pages.
This manual was created for field technicians to install special DSL demonstration kiosks across the U S WEST 14-state region. As these kiosks were Mac-based, the instructions were written as if the technician did not know how to use a Macintosh (lowest common denominator target audience). Instructions were everything from plugging in equipment to the terminal codes setup of the DSL router in addition to troubleshooting the kiosk hardware and software.
I wrote, as well as, designed and produced this manual in QuarkXPress 3.x. I used color for instructional purposes to ensure proper installation procedures, as in... red means the required info is in your regional tech supplement, blue is housekeeping and so on. There were several additional documents and smaller manuals that were a part of the final documentation.
Download the Acrobat 4.x PDF file (Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or better required to read the file). kioskmanualsmpl.pdf (file size: 163k)
© Copyright 1996-2001 for U S WEST (written by Kass Johns), all rights reserved world wide.
This work may not be used on another Web site or online service, sold for profit, included within commercial works, or altered or changed in any way without the express written permission of the author and/or copyright owner.