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The SyQuest Error Code Tables
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For technical support, please contact SyQuest (not me).
As a great defender of SQ technology with many drives (over fifty 44s and fifty 200s) and over a thousand cartridges, I see the same questions asked repeatedly. I do not work for SyQuest Technology. This document is an independent publication.
(Before you write to me, please realize that I am a Macintosh SCSI systems person and have little PC experience.)
2009 UPDATE:
If you need help converting your data from a SyQuest or Iomega cartridge, please visit http://mullermedia.com/
If you are having mounting and/or spin up problems with your 5.25" SyQuest drive and cartridges, check these tables to verify your problem. Remember to always try another cartridge or two before you panic! The tables for the 88MB and 44MB drives follows. There are no-such self diagnostic tables for the 3.5" drives and cartridges. These tables are from the SyQuest technical manuals.* If any of these errors occur, check that you are following the procedure correctly. If the error still occurs, contact your vendor or SyQuest for technical support .
SyQuest SQ5200C (200MB) Power-on Error Code Description Green
(# of flashes)Amber
(# of flashes)Problem Action 0 3 Microprocessor problems Replace Drive 1 1, 2, 3 PCBA problem Replace Drive 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 PCBA problem Replace Drive* 3 0, 3 Microprocessor problem Replace Drive 3 1, 2, 4, 5 PCBA problem Replace Drive 4 1, 2, 3 Motor problem Replace drive 4 4, 5 Motor speed problem Replace cartridge 4 6 Cannot find servo Remove and reinsert cartridge 5 1 Power failure Check power supply, connectors, etc. 5 2 Motor speed problem Replace cartridge* 5 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Power-up initialization incomplete 1. Remove and reinsert cartridge.
2. Replace cartridge if necessary.*6 0, 1, 2, 3 PCBA problem Replace drive 6 4 Motor speed problem Replace cartridge* 6 5 Excessive run-out failure 1. Remove and reinsert cartridge.
2. Spindle motor may require cleaning.
3. Replace cartridge if necessary.*6 6 Incompatible cartridge Replace cartridge with SyQuest brand 6 7 PCBA problem Replace drive 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 PCBA problem Replace drive Off Solid on or flashing Failed power sequence; possible defective cartridge; heads not loaded; possible defective drive Replace drive No cartridge in drive but both lights are solid at startup No cartridge in drive but both lights are solid at startup Microprocessor problem 1. Recycle power.
2. Replace drive.The following table is for the 88MB drives.
SyQuest SQ5110/SQ5110C (88MB) Power-on Error Code Description Green
(# of flashes)Amber
(# of flashes)Problem Action 1 1, 2, 3
5, 6, 7PCBA Problem
Seek, Read or WriteReplace drive
Replace cartridge2 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 PCBA problem Replace drive 4 1, 2, 3 Motor Replace drive 5 1 Power failure Check power supply, connectors, etc. 5 2 Motor speed problem Replace cartridge 5 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Power-up initiation incomplete 1. Remove and reinstall cartridge
2. Replace cartridge with new cartridge if unsuccessful6 0, 1, 2, 3 PCBA problem Replace drive 6 4 Motor speed problem Replace cartridge 6 5 Excessive runout failure 1. Spindle motor may require cleaning
2. Replace driveThe following table is for the 44MB drives.
SyQuest SQ555 (44MB) LED Error Reporting Green
(# of flashes)Red
(# of flashes)Error 1 1 EPROM failed checksum 1 2 Microcomputer internal RAM failed 1 3 Scratchpad RAM failed 1 5 Seek error 1 6 Read error 1 7 Write error 2 1 Disk controller failed 2 2 Sequencer failed test 1 2 3 Sequencer failed test 2 2 4 Buffer RAM address register failed test 1 2 5 Buffer RAM address register failed test 2 2 6 Buffer RAM failed test 1 2 7 Buffer RAM failed test 2 3 1 Buffer RAM port 0 failed test 3 2 Buffer RAM microcomputer port failed 3 3 Buffer RAM port 2 failed test 4 1 Spindle motor fails to start 4 2 Spindle motor spins too slowly 4 3 Spindle motor spins too fast 5 1 Power supply failed flashing off Unable to read; possible unformatted cartridge off flashing Failed power up sequence; possible defective cartridge * If any of these errors occur, check that you are following the procedure correctly. If the error still occurs, contact your vendor or SyQuest for technical support .
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